
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Jarred's grandmother actually fled the nazis, which, no one's going to argue that was a bad idea, because nazi germany wasn't exactly the most jew-friendly of places. The trouble is that jarred's grandmother fled to the belgian congo, which is a very nice place, i'm sure, what with its copper mines and tapioca industry it's a wonderful place to live. I just wonder why, if you're a jew fleeing the nazis, what makes the congo your first choice? New York, Palastine, these are jewy places to flee. The congo not so much. Jews don't really do that well in the jungle. You know how eskimos have three hundred words for snow? jews have over three hundred words to use to complain about how humid it is.

Jews can't live in the jungle. we've lived in cities for the past 1000 years, and we've completely lost all of our natural adaptations to deal with wild animals. Like, an irate baboon isn't going to be scared by you threatening to sue it in federal court.

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