
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Friday, December 17, 2004

I hate Shania Twain and her music. This wouldn't be a problem, except that every time I hear a shiania twain song, I fucking love it. "Man, I feel like a woman"... But i can't feel that way. i'm an urban sophisticate, i'm not some alabama faggot with nothing better to do than put together shania fan sites. I hate her, I hate her fucking stories about growing up on the reservation, i hate her fucking being from canada. She doesn't even have the subversive feminist subtext of the dixie chicks. THere is NOTHING redeeming about shania twain. I will never like her, i will never buy one of her albums, i will never watch more than 2/3 of an episode of oprah featuring her, but in the solitary quiet of my soul, i will always bear the the secret knowledge. "Man, I Feel Like A Woman."
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