
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Sometimes I feel like a dancing faggot. Sometimes I feel like a minstrel show for the amusement of heterosexuals with my crazy dick sucking ways.

"Yasma, jus las night i was down at the rage and a feller came up an says 'bes not mess wit me boy, o i's a gonna get you in da end. and I says "well, fella, you go right on ahead an get me in da end."

Wa-dat, wat-dat, wa-dat-WA!

Like if I tell a joke and someone laughs at the audacity of homosexuality, I've somehow prostituted my identity. And you know, it always feels nice to prostitute something...

The thing is, if I'm scared people will laugh at my identity, aren't I ceding the land to them? If i'm so worried people will misunderstand that I only address my identity in a way that educates and enlightens them, then I've undermined my own existence. Fuck people who say that homos are nothing but a dancing band of fairies redecorating the homes of straight men on TV, but fuck anyone who won't let us be fairies.
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