
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

One thing I've never really understood, as a white person, is why black people haven't killed us in our sleep yet. Like, we treated them as property for 400 years, denied them civil rights for another 150 years. Killing us in our sleep seems like the natural, logical response.

Look at Bosnia. Look at Israel. Stuff a lot less heinous happened a lot longer ago, and they're still slitting babies throats about it. Black people, by comparison, barely a peep.

Sure, sure, some white people get pissed off about surly service at walgreens or the occasional riot in south central LA and think black people are all unnecessarily pissed off and angry, but frankly, every night I don't wake up with a length of wire pulled taught around my neck by a woman saying "Shaquanda's a real funny name now, ain't it cracker" I feel like i've dodged a bullet.

(should i just end it there?)

As a white person, most of the time, you don't even think about it, you just figure "sure, we were inhumanly cruel to an entire race of people for 500 years, but we've been super nice to them, we've treated them almost like human beings for almost 30 years now."

But to my mind the only reason we haven't had total and complete race war in this country is the restraint of black america. They decided to be good christians and muslims and apparently whitney and bobby are jews now, but the point is, they decided to try to move past things and deal with things peaceably...

but where did all of that rage go?

choreography... dunno how to make it work... the answer *IS* choreography, but i don't know how to make it sound other than trite.

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