
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

the other night i was up at 3 am, instant messaging a friend in philadelphia arguing about what victorian britons would define as a "muffin'. and i realized, "this is the problem". when i wonder why i'm not leading the cocaine and blowjobs faggot lifestyle OUT magazine so frequently reminds me i need, the answer is that my friends are holding me back. I wish i had sexy friends. i wish i had friends who didn't have an opinion about judith butler and never used the word "construct" or problematized signification. i wish i had shallow, coke addicted gayboy friends with syphallis and significant consumer debt. because then i'd be exciting and cool, and alienated and bored enough that i'd spend way more time in the gym.

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My email is guyball@yahoo.com. I don't know how to put it in here as a magical link thingy