
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Monday, September 08, 2003


I work across the street from the Oakland federal bulding and last week there was a sign that siad "End the Iraqi occupation. Stop the killing of Iraqi children." You know, I'm about as big a critic of the occupation of Iraq as the next guy, but if we are going to be over there, we might as well be killing Iraqi children.
I mean, what's the point in trying to convince ourselves we're some kinder, gentler empire anyway. Do you think iraqi kids are over there saying "Oh, our nation is being overrun by an unstopable space-age military who torture and humiliate our parents, but it's all being tempered by liberal good intentions." No, they're getting pissed off and waiting until they're old enough to carry a bomb. We should really should kill them now while they're still convenient and fun-sized. (instead: why wait 18 years to kill them.)
Plus, who wants to be part of some pussy empire? And we are an empire now, we're no longer just invading countries socially, we've got a problem, and the first step is admitting it. We've got Afghanistan, now Iraq, all we have to do is connect the dots and conquer Iran and we've got a brand new country I can only assume will be called Pepsi Presets America II: Petrolium Boogaloo. If we're going to be imperial warlords, we've got to start acting like it. Do you want to end up some pussy touchy feely empire like Khazaria? Never heard of Khazaria, yeah, that's because they were a touchy feely pussy empire who respected everyone's feelings and tried to protect eveyone's rights. You've heard of the Turks, right, and the aztecs and the mongols. Yeah, because they raped and pillaged and ate human flesh and fucked the world up old-school.
So if we're going to declare war on countries for no reason and occupy them for years and turn them into puppets for the benefit of corporate oil interests, you better have the balls to admit it's not a war of liberation and kids are getting killed for your SUV. Hell, if my tax dollars are paying for it, i think they should ship their corpses back tot eh US of A, have em stuffed and put one on my mantle with a smile. Because, goddamnit, I'm proud to be an american.

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