
These words are the last testament of Jesus Christ in the New World.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

My Eyes are Kind of Green

I hate the guy who wrote the book of "Avenue Q", Broadway's off-broadway hit about the foibles of post collegiate life told through the eyes of a band of hensonian puppets. I do not know the guy who wrote the book of Avenue Q, nor will I take the time required for a simple google search to ascertain who he is, because I daren't provide him with further dignity. I don't know him, he is an acquaintance of a friend of a friend, but then again, I'm a homosexual, I'm probably six degrees of STD phone tree away from just about everyone in the broadway community. Except for elaine strich.
The point is this guy who wrote the book for avenue q is enjoying great acclaim for his writing, and in his spare time works as a gay naked dancer. That is just wrong. Look at me, I am a swirling tumult of genius. And I'm fat and ugly, as is only right and moral in this mixed up world. i don't know this person who wrote the book to avenue q, but he looks blond and aryan and must have a great number of visible and rock hard abs to make a living dancing around naked or mostly naked for the edification of sophisticated new york homosexuals. These aren't OMAHA homosexuals who would be aghast to simply see a gay man whose been inside a diesel outlet, no, these are real live gym toned chelsea homosexuals who can probably see a fair number of rock hard abs if they simply stay home and order in chinese. Avoiding rice and breading, of course, because of the carbs.
But the point remains that if this fellow who wrote the book to Avenue Q is even somewhat capably talented enough to earn the approbation of the great white way and has as tight and sunny blond as one should naturally presume, why, it's simply a cruel reminder of the inequities of fate. not nature, mind you, fate, for a number of reasons discussed at the beginning of As You Like It, but the point stands that he reminds one that however much one would like to pretend one lives in the polite enlightenment world of democratic egalitarianism, it's all a lie. This is the world of Darwin, where some people are better than others and some people have asses off of which coins can be bounced AND still manage to find professional success and critical acclaim as authors, and some of us... well...

I AM a swirling tumult of Genius.

And his name, btw, is Jeff Whitty. And he was on As The World Turns, which is pretty cool.

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